News from SRC and Related Organizations

Steven W. May to be SRC 2024 Plenary Speaker

SRC is excited to announce that Stephen W. May will be our plenary speaker at SRC’s 2024 conference at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. Dr. May is Professor Emeritus of English at Georgetown College, and Senior Research Fellow and the principal investigator of the “Early Modern Manuscript Poetry: Recovering our Scribal Heritage” project at the University of Sheffield. He has authored and edited six books, including Henry Stanford’s Anthology: An Edition of Cambridge University Library Manuscript Dd. 5.75 (1988); Sir Walter Raleigh (Twayne’s English Authors Series) (1989); The Elizabethan Courtier Poets: The Poems and Their Contexts (1991, 1999); Queen Elizabeth I: Selected Works (2004), ed.; Elizabethan Poetry: A Bibliography and First-Line Index of English Verse, 1559-1603, 3 vols. (2004) with William A. Ringler, Jr.; and In the Prayse of Writing: Early Modern Manuscript Studies: Essays in Honour of Peter Beal (2012) ed. with S. P. Cerasano. We are very much looking forward to hearing him speak, and we hope you can join us at SRC 2024!